Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Yesterday the fire alarm went off at work. I grabbed my wallet and an apple and headed downstairs.
Within the next twenty minutes, five fire-trucks showed up, as well as at least 2 ambulance vehicles, and every police car on this side of the city. A while later, news people started showing up with giant cameras.
Apparantly there was some sort of fire, and an elevator had some sort of problem (I still don't know what). Anyway, we sat outside for about 2 and a half hours, and then when it finally became clear that we would not be going back into the building, I went home. I had to buy some tokens, 'cause all of my stuff was inside, including my Metro-Pass...

After the days' excitement, I went down to U of T to work on some presentation stuff for a design competition. My team will be presenting our proposal tomorrow at the Design Exchange. Today I am tired.

That is all.

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