Tuesday, February 22, 2011


In my opinion, The King's Speech is a good movie, and a fun one to watch.
Also, The Last Picture Show is maybe a better movie, although more depressing. Strangely, it reminded me of Saturday Night Fever.
And, I finally bought the Age of Adz album. I couldn't get into the Illinoise as much as a lot of people - we shall see how this one hits me...

Monday, February 14, 2011

who is the arcade fire?

This weekend...
On Friday night I went to feed D&J's lizard after work, and then we went to the Woods' for dinner.
On Saturday - I met Dylan for brunch, and then we did laundry in the afternoon. Fed the lizard again... and then we went to the El Mocambo for a Your Heart show. Turns out that Mike was sick, so we played without a drummer, which was not part of the plan, but went pretty well anyway.
On Sunday, Leah went to meet some people for class, and then had RCIA. I went to the Junction, and then stopped in at No Frills. Fed the lizard (I had to go and buy him some more worms, so first I stopped in to visit the strange reptile store people).

Monday, February 07, 2011


Here's the weekend update...

Friday - laundry date
Saturday - I met Dylan for brunch. That afternoon we went to visit a friend from work and his family, which was fun. That night we had sushi and watched a movie with Christine and Josiah (Songs from the Second Floor... strange)
On Sunday we went to mass. Afterwards, Leah had to meet people for school. I rearranged some stuff in the living room, and then made dinner. That night I roamed around the Annex in the snow while L worked on a paper.