Monday, February 06, 2006

The Weekender

Friday - beer etc. with some people from church. We met at the FreeTimes, where there was some sort of function (bar mitzvah?!) happening, so we relocated to the not-so-nineties-anymore Oasis. The dirt and wax-dripping-encased bottles/candle-holders were replaced by a less slacker-era interior. The evening was fun, and Leah managed to drink a pitcher of sangria (at least according to the bill, before we sent it back to be corrected).

Saturday - The great weather (wet, cold, grey, and windy) continued. We did laundry (fun!), and then went to see that Johnny Cash movie that everybody watched at least a month ago. It was pretty good, I must say.

Sunday - I finally bought some speakers for our record player. I visited a couple of secondhand stores, but eventually went to Wal-Mart (evil). I did find some good records, but I didn't have any cash on me, and couldn't bring myself to use Interac for a 99c purchase, even if it was to pick up Alphaville's Forever Young. I realize now that this was a grave misjudgment - I can only hope that the album is still there when I go back (otherwise, I will have to borrow it from Pat, who owns at least one copy of every record released in the eighties).

Church was great. Jeremy and I set up sound, and everything actually worked. Leah lead worship, and it awesome. Our pastors teamed up for a tag-team introduction to the book of Revelation (not one of my favorite books of the bible, but I suspect their 4-week series will help me to get something out of it. Apparantly apocolyptic literature was a standard genre in the Jewish tradition of the time, and the book follows a fairly structured form...)

That is all. If you live in the St Clair West hood, see you at the Gem tonight...

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