Friday, February 24, 2006


So I just finished reading Blankets. I don't know what to say about it...

So the book is pretty much autobiographical. It is centered around the author's relationship with Christianity, as well as his flowering relationship with a girl during his high school years (there is a bunch of other stuff in there too, especially about his family and when he was a kid). I was nervous reading it... both of those major themes are pretty much sacred ground, so it scares me to see where an author will take things.

All I can say is that the book is beautiful and sad. Beautiful because of the directness and honesty. Sad, I guess, because of the same things. I don't want to ruin it for you, in case you want to read it, so I won't say much more. [I will say that the book is a little graphic here and there, so don't be shocked if you do decide to read it] More than anything the book makes me [a] want to cry (that doesn't mean much, since pretty much anything approaching art makes me cry), and [b] it actually made me want to pray for Craig Thompson, the author. Not in an 'I want you to be/believe like me', condescending way, but more in an 'I ache to know and see God, and your story makes me ache for you to know and see God too' kind of way.

1 comment:

Leah said...

"little crying man!"