Thursday, February 23, 2006


So after my hard day of work yesterday (2-5pm), I stopped in to pick up a slice of pizza on the way home. I ate this highly nutritious dinner, and then decided to go for a walk, since I was still feeling a little out of it from my +/- 13 hours of sleeping.

I stopped in at Salvation Army and Goodwill, to scope out the CD/vinyl racks. As, usual, there was nothing worth buying (yes, the Alphaville record that I didn't buy last time was gone...), so I continued on to the Second Cup, where I purchased a decaf Americano. This is the slightly more expensive but way more better version of a decaf coffee. It is way more better because the teenagers that run the Second Cup at Bathurst have to make it fresh, instead of just serving you the 8 hour old decaf coffee from the coffee pot.

I decided to walk home through Cedarvale. On the way there, I ran into Lisa, who was biking her way home. We chatted briefly, and I continued on to the St Clair West subway entrance at the beginning of the Cedarvale Trail.

The trail is kind of sunk below the level of the city, and tucked behind and beneath the back yards of rich peoples homes. It is like a sunken back alley filled with trees and earth. The sounds of the city are still everywhere, but they move slightly towards the background.

Pretty much the entire trail was a solid path of ice. Some parts were the slick smooth ice of a rink or frozen pond, but large stretches were half melted crunchy ice, and much less dangerous. Even though there are busy streets overhead, and streetlights shining through the leaves, it is a beautiful place. You can smell the earth.

Today, I forgot my lunch at home. I will eat it for dinner instead. I bought a sandwich at Subway, and I picked up a book that I had ordered at the library. Tonight I will get a hair cut. My life is exciting! You should keep on reading about it... =)

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