Friday, March 31, 2006

Too much rock (need to sleep)

On Wednesday, Leah and I went to see a show at Massey Hall. Her flute student's high school band was playing in this massive Toronto District School Board band extravaganza. I'm talking about three hours of high school bands and choirs, featuring everything from your standard band medleys, to a steel drum band, to four hundred kids singing songs from Evita.

And then last night (after dinner with Leah's boss and his family), we went to the Rivoli to see some bands from Guelph play. I think it must be the nineties in us that appreciates the vaguely hippied-out beard rocking indie scene, as opposed to the slightly stuck-up and trying oh-so-hard to be artsy cool Toronto music crowd.

Or maybe its just that, without all the pretentiousness, the music tends to be better.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the last band play, which is really the one that we wanted to see... but that seems to be the usual story when you are a working stiff. Also, Katherine showed up unexpectedly, which was fun.

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