Monday, July 28, 2008


I may or may not get to the last two facts of the factoid-meme...
Meanwhile, check out the weekend:

Leah was of course away - she flew out to Sydney last Sunday. I went to the Tranzac on Friday night to see the Gertrudes. This is the big band that Josh Lyons plays in. I stayed long enough to watch their first set - it was super fun and chaotic. Their was even a song featuring 5 accordians.

On Saturday, I did a whole bunch of chores - everything from laundry, to yardwork, to cleaning house. In the afternoon I went to watch the Incredible Hulk. It was pretty good (although I tend to be pretty forgiving of superhero movies). The coolest part was seeing Toronto scattered throughout the movie. Since I went to see it at the AMC at Dundas Square, the big fight at the end was given an added level of weirdness. The big street fight takes place in 'New York', just around the corner from the theatre on Yonge street. While I was watching, it sort of felt like all I had to do was run outside and I would see the Hulk throwing down with the other beast-guy. Also, it was kinda fun to see Bruce Banner being stalked by army guys as he walked across Kings College Circle.

That night I stopped by Jessica's birthday party.

On Sunday I went to the airport to meet Leah. Her flight was early enough that I had to take the Bloor bus rather than the subway. This turned out to be way less terrible than I expected. We were both pretty wrecked from lack of sleep - so we took a nap before going to church early - Leah had to lead a couple of songs...

The end.

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