Monday, July 21, 2008


I don't really like the term meme. I suspect that this is maybe because it sounds like a madeup word. Or maybe it is because it could usually be replaced by any number of much less fancy sounding words ('idea' for example). It sounds like it was cooked up by a PhD student.

Anyway, it seems that Felicity tagged me in a blog-meme of sorts... which is basically a blog-based chain-letter. I am supposed to list seven odd facts about myself, and then get seven other bloggers to do likewise... This continues until the world runs out of bloggers, or until enough lazy people like myself don't follow the rules.

So FACT #1 of the Seven Factoid Meme goes like this:

Anybody who knows me at all knows that I grew up in South Africa, and that my family left at some point and moved to the USA, before I ended up in Canada. What people might not know is what a big deal this ended up being for my parents and my brothers and for myself. It seems obvious to say that the move changed our lives... but I didn't really expect it too. Silly me!
Another related part of Factoid One is that my memory is horrible. I forget almost everything I ever learn.
I sometimes enjoy the use of amnesia/memory loss as a literary device.

Let's wrap up fact #1 with some related quotes that I like:

There's so much I want to tell you about the way I'm disappearing. - The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers

I think there is something we were supposed to do before we lost our memories. - Michael Grace Jr

1 comment:

girl said...

Love the separate factoids!