Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fact #5

I have to sleep quite a bit in order to function. This is not unusual for humans, I guess... although it seems I have always known people that can function on a lot less that 8 hours a night. I pretty much cannot - it is not an option.

In college I studied Architecture. There are countless heroic tales of students spending sequential sleepless nights working on projects... and this seems to be a worldwide phenomenon of architecture schools everywhere. Something about design (a project is never ever really finished), combined with the control freak tendancies of those drawn to the field, make design school the perfect environment for sick sleep deprivation experiments. Classmates often had tales of falling asleep in unusual circumstances (in the shower; waiting at a red-light whilst driving home - both true stories)

I however, after a couple of all night sessions, pretty much decided that I would have to find another way to do things. After all, what good is it to complete a project if you always feel like dying???

I have heard that as you get older, you require less sleep. I hope that this is true.


ButterPeanut said...

my dad has said the same thing about sleep/getting older. ...but I dunno; in my old age I'm totally requiring lots more sleep than when I was, like, 22.

sue said...

I hear you about the sleeping Trent. I feel like I need more as I get older; or rather, that getting not enough sleep has more immediate and drastic consequences.

PS I am coming to Toronto Aug 14-19 -- when will I see you guys?????