Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I recently found out about this site, which tracks and fights illegal billboards and other advertising in the public spaces of Toronto. I have been thinking a little about the massive pollution of advertising that washes over us every day, and how much it freaking sucks.

I know that the TTC, for example, pretty much relies on ad revenue to operate. The new street furniture contract for the city also involves ad space on benches. I really wonder if we should not put more TAX dollars towards a cleaner mental environment. Seriously, the noise of ads screaming in my face every day to buy sh...tuff makes me kinda angry. And it seriously messes people up.

The issue of illegal billboards is extra infuriating - at least the signs on the subway are helping to pay for my ride. These are just poisoning minds AND making bad people richer.

I'm surprised that there is not yet advertising printed on each square of toilet paper that I use to wipe my bum!!

1 comment:

sue said...

i read an article a while back about putting advertisements on EGGS.