Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas news

So, you can expect any news from the Christmas holiday to come in bits and pieces.
Here's a piece about music...

Hanging out with the brothers usually means ending up with some new music news. The first piece is about the Sparrow Love Crew. This is a rag-tag hip-hop collective which I believe was founded by Reeve, Delvyn, and one Timmy Carter, in a kitchen in a house in the foothills of the Appalachians. They went on to perform live the next day at North Georgia's best annual Halloween punk/country bash...

Since then the group has gone on to perform and record in various collaborative guises, shoot a ridiculous music video, and generally confuse a bunch of people across the south.

Anyway - recently, a West Coast version of the Crew came into being... and ended up playing one of their first shows ever at LA's Troubadour, opening for the Cold War Kids. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming shows, one with the Hawaiian Tropic girls, and one run by Vice magazine. I hope these people know what they're in for. Delvyn spent some time in Texas working some SLC logos for shirts and other stuff. Check it out on Myspace...

In other family music news, Reeve snagged us a copy of the new Waco Co-op CD. This one is actually real, unlike the last two which were only virtual (and which you can download here). Reeve has a new song on it, which is pretty sweet. There is also a My Korean Friends song on that thing, and an American Sasquatch number... so Reeveheads everywhere can get their fill. That is, if they can snag a copy somehow...

Reeve also spent some time working on a new and improved MKF website, which, when done, will feature an unreleased-album-load of songs for your listening pleasure... as well as never-before-seen-by-you artwork. If you missed the world tour, you will at least have these songs to carry with you...

Also, we snagged a couple of CDs for our own listening pleasure... the new(ish) Yo La Tengo, some not so new Radiohead, the older Sun Kil Moon album, and a new Bonnie Prince Billie disc...


AZD said...

That video is ridiculous. I love it!

ButterPeanut said...

it's weird watching reeve; it's like, Trent but 10 million times weirder.

anyhoo that video was awesome.

Reeve said...

Geez, thanks Lisa.