Monday, April 17, 2006

Long Weekend Update

Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. It was a long and busy one...

Thursday night - Leah played the flute with Ohbijou, at the Boat. It was a good show.

Friday night - Leah played with Ohbijou again; at a house party / fund-raiser for a dog who needs surgery. I stayed at home. Since we were not able to use St Andrews for a Good Friday service, our church held small Easter services around the city. We hosted one at our house, at 2am. It was simple and candlelit; communion, reading through the passion story, and a hymn. Then we had tea and banana-bread, and went to bed later than I have in a long long long time.

Saturday - we had an Easter barbecue at Don and Kevin's house.

Sunday - we held the second annual Easter Feaster for our church small group. And then church. Afterwards, Leah and I went out for Korean food, and then bought a couple of used CDs. I finally bought Automatic for the People.

Today my throat kinda hurts...

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