Monday, May 25, 2009


Friday night - we went to TACF... it was far away. On the way we passed an anime convention. The world was filled with outcast teens in goth/furry/weird-cloaks-and-swords outfits. TACF was not quite as strange.

On Sunday, I went to meet people at Mars for breakfast, and then we went to put new floors in at St Stephens. I actually ended up painting for most of the day - finishing up what we did last week. The floors look great.
That evening, we ended up going to the Rex to see Michael and Don's new(ish) band.

On Sunday we went to hang out with D&J at their street sale event. I bought a few books and records. After lunch at saving gigi, Leah and I walked to church. Afterwards we went to the Wood's for a pot-luck.

On the way home (walking from Ossington station) we saw a couple of sketchy guys running down the street. Afterwards another guy ran after them, and then a distraught lady ran by a minute later. Turns out she and her friend were robbed going into the subway. The cops showed up a few minutes later - Leah told them the guys ran into the subway - so the cops peeled out and locked down the place. Apparently they caught 3 out of 4 guys - and we got to wait around forever and eventually give statements.

In the midst of all this excitement, I missed my bedtime...


Me said...

An epic weekend. For once.

sue said...

"For once"!

Me said...

Ha ha ha!!!