Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Two-Four Weekend

I got off work early on Friday, for the long weekend. That night we went to Laura's (karaoke) birthday party.
Saturday was an epic day of painting at St Stephens church. Our church is moving in June, so we are having a few weekends of getting our space in the "new" building ready. We met up with Kate and the Royals for breakfast at Mars (at 8.30)... and I got home around 9pm. We watched Rachel Getting Married, which was a pretty crazy movie.
I walked to church on Sunday, and then we went to LL's after church for dinner. We walked home afterwards - so all in all I walked for about an hour and a half.
On Monday we were dead tired, and I had a pretty sweet headache. We went for a walk, even though I felt like collapsing. That night we went to D&J's, and watched the Wrestler, which was a very crazy movie.
Somewhere in there we also did some grocery shopping and laundry. And I also hit up a couple of yard sales, where I picked up some Annie Dillard, Flannery O'C., Beck and Bad Religion...

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