Monday, May 04, 2009


On Friday night I went to Joel's let's-play-video-games-while-Anne-has-a-baby-shower party. Everyone pitched in money to go towards pizza and beer and diapers. I haven't really played video games for a good decade or so... and I now find them almost seizure inducing in their ridiculous speed and camera zooming (yes, I'm old).

On Saturday we had an elders' meeting at our house. Our church is moving at the end of the month, so there is a lot going on. That night we went to a birthday party for /dr., which was fun. We partied like married people, which is to say we were home by 1...

On Sunday, I went to see the Wolverine movie. I am generally quite forgiving when it comes to superhero movies... and I really enjoyed this one. It could have had a better bad guy character (see the last Batman - which I actually didn't enjoy as much as I was supposed to), and it could have had a better female lead (see Iron-Man - which I did enjoy as much as I was supposed to), but it would be difficult to find a more bad-ass/awesome hero than Wolverine. He's Canadian!

After church, we ended up (with Brad) at D&J's again, for dinner.

1 comment:

Me said...

When you successfully immigrate you'll get your finger swords.

Just thought I'd let you know.