Monday, August 27, 2007

Weekend update

On Friday afternoon, Leah and I went to the scary yellow and blue world of Ikea. We spent loads of money.
On Saturday, I wrestled with an Ikea flÄren. Some underpaid factory slave in the abused world had drilled some holes in the wrong spots, and I refused to spend the 3 or so hours it would take to go back to Ikea to return one piece of wood. Instead I used my limited tool-set to beat the shelf into submission. This was more successful than hanging the thing on the wall, which took a few tries. I eventually added an extra bracket, 'cause that thing is pretty heavy, and hangs directly above the toilet. Leah suggested that we leave a bike helmet in the bathroom.

Later that day our new mattress showed up. After sleeping on a futon for the last forever (one that Leah bought about 6 years ago or something) this is a new development for us. Unfortunately, the mattress is a lot thicker than a futon, which brings our previously high-but-comfortable bed to a high-and-a-bit-too-close-to-the-ceiling level. I am seriously considering chopping a few inches off the legs.

That evening we met Jen at Bradbucks. Unfortunately, Bradley was not working. We also checked out BMV, the big cheap blue book/DVD store. I don't buy DVDs, generally, but this time I did purchase Joe vs the Volcano. I couldn't find it at any rental places, so this was pretty much my only option if I wanted to see it. Which I did. I used to list it as one of my top favorite movies, and I wanted to see if it is actually any good. Turns out it is! (although I'm not sure Leah would agree). When was the last time someone (other than small indie film-makers - this thing stars Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan) went out on such a long limb to make something that whacky and creative? Leah also bought one of those Rolling Stones books, showing the first 1000 covers of the magazine.

On Sunday we went to Billy's for breakfast.

Church involved Leah on guitar, Bradley on bass, and 3 to 4 guys (myself included, for a few songs) on various percussive instruments ranging from the didgeridoo, to the cajon. The potential for hippie-drum-circle chaos was somehow avoided, and it ended up sounding hippie-drum-circle kinda cool.

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