Monday, November 06, 2006


The weekend went something like this...

Friday - we took a bunch of stuff over to the studio, met up with Jen, who was dropping off her newly acquired jewelry bench, and then swept out the nastiness that was housed in the small basement room. All of this happened around the strange spectacle of Karl shooting endless pictures of a kid in a cape, and then more pictures of a crazy monster beast thing. Afterwards we went to Nova Era...

Saturday - not much, we ended up doing some more sweeping / vacuuming / mopping of the studio, and hung out with Mae (who was doing some major cleaning...)

Sunday - we discovered an urgent need for somebody to play music at church, so Leah ended up leading solo... I was doing sound, and got a really wicked headache. I seriously thought I might puke on the subway.

Oh yeah - we also watched Junebug on Saturday night - it was a pretty neat movie... Despite being kinda sad due to some major family dysfunction, it was one of the better depictions I have seen of American southern life in a movie (this is by no means saying much, given the usual mockery/caricaturing of anything 'southern' in movies). Also, the soundtrack is by Yo La Tengo, which is an added bonus.

The end...

1 comment:

ButterPeanut said...

I would also like to see Junebug.

Ah, Karl and the kid in a cape. You missed the other spectacle of Lisa saying "They say the monster lost the trinket somewhere in the woods"' at about 20 different volumes of whisper.