Friday, September 15, 2006


Rick at work told me that he heard that everybody's working for the weekend.

Some plans:

Watch Joe vs The Volcano tonight, with some friends. That movie was ahead of its time - the name alone shows that it came out about 15 years too early (and that it should have really been an indie band, or dance remix by some LCD Soundsystem type entity, rather than a movie...)

Attend an elders' meeting. It is still funny/scary that our church is essentially run by kids. Idiot kids like me.

See Mates of State. They are sure to go on stage about 6 hours after I would usually be in bed... however, Leah and I are tired of missing shows for this reason, and this one is on a Saturday.

Hopefully pick Mabel up from the vet. Hopefully survive the shock of being given the bill for 3 weeks of kitten hospital care, 2 as-yet-unpaid-for surgeries, and a bunch of lab tests. Mabel's new nickname may be 'The Million Dollar Kitten'. She will for sure have one wicked scar.




ButterPeanut said...

man, good luck with that vet bill! I'm scared for you.

Also, please tell me you didnt forget to feed the bink. I had this thought last night and then I got all paranoid like someone on drugs.

AZD said...

Elders meeting??? When?