Monday, June 28, 2010

weekend etc

Already/Not Yet

The weekend was an interesting one... The big news in Toronto was, of course, the G20, and the associated protests/anarchy/police presence associated with it. I was down on Queen Street on Saturday afternoon, taking advantage of some sales at record stores... when a bunch of cops on bikes started yelling at people to turn around and leave the area (I was just west of Spadina at that point). Anyway - I went home and listened to the news as some misguided blackbloc'd people vandalized this town.

I don't have too much to say about the whole thing, other than that hatred and violence seem more like problems and less like solutions. Also, all the protests (peaceful and not) seem to me to be highly ineffective ways of promoting a cause.

I also did some painting on the weekend (see above)... and hung out with some people after church on Sunday...

Also - last Thursday night was the last night of my sculpture class... I don't have any good pictures of my coffee cup carving, so here is a crappy pic instead. I am super happy with how it turned out...

Large Coffee

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