Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter


The weekend was not too eventful...

Friday we pretty much did nothing all day. That night we went to watch Persepolis (one of the good things about living in a big city is that you get the chance to see pretty much any movie in a theatre if you want to). The movie was good, although Leah was a bit bored, having just read the books. I have only read the first book, and that was a few years ago. The story is crazy, and a lot of bad things happen... but there is also a sense that some people are able to remain human and civil in spite of ridiculous circumstances - and this adds a bit of hopefulness to an otherwise sad movie. And the drawing is great.

On Saturday we went to Brad's, and played a couple of his thesis songs. Afterwards, Leah had a rehearsal for Sunday, and I bought groceries and wasted time. That night we did laundry.

On Sunday I ran sound at church, so I had to be there pretty early. It was kinda fun, although it always feels like I am observing church, rather than participating. It was a crazy Easter service, with ridiculous decorations, chocolate, and a large, large band. Working the sound board was a little like trying to control a wild beast - but I think it sounded pretty good.

Afterwards, we attended the annual Easter Feaster, and ate our heads off.

1 comment:

sue said...

a large band! that sounds like fun. i miss you hunters. come visit soon. (PS my FAMILY might visit me for may 2-4. :O)