Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I finally watched a couple of movies that I've been wanting to see for ages.

Over the weekend we watched Old Joy. It stars the freaky-looking Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, and some other guy, in a movie about two guys that go camping with a dog. It is the kind of movie that I often like, where not much actually happens in terms of plot... Also, Yo La Tengo does the soundtrack. (Check out Junebug, if you want more BPB+YLT, although BPB is barely in that one.)

Last night, while Leah was at practice, I watched Everything's Gone Green. It wasn't bad - it was Coupland-for-the-movies, with some of the pointier edges smoothed off. In a lot of ways it was similar to J-Pod (the book - I haven't seen the show), with some shared plot points, but the lead characters at least recognized their loss of a moral foundation, and tried to move against that. I found J-Pod brutally amoral - and it had more of an impact for being so - but it was interesting to see a reintroduction of some moral conflict.

1 comment:

sue said...

JPod has a show??