Friday, February 29, 2008


Last night, Leah and I went to the Eaton Centre... for no real reason other than a combination of boredom, and a resolution to finally procure a copy of the 'new' Radiohead album...
We just kinda ambled around the mall sort of aimlessly, and picked up the CD at HMV... They were out of the Once soundtrack (I think maybe the Oscar win caught their stockers by surprise), so that is all we got.
We also went in a couple of shoe stores, since I will need some new dress shoes pretty soon (I still rock the ones I bought for our wedding..!), and realized that the mall is where you go for totally boring shoes.
Also - Leah tried on a couple of bathing suits... The whole time we were in the store, some idiot was sitting outside on one of the benches and periodically whistling at girls walking by. I asked the (visibly annoyed) staff if there was some mall security they could call, which they seemed more than happy to do once I suggested it...
Also, we went in the Apple store. Surprisingly, I have never been in an Apple store before. For someone who is not exactly a gadget-phile, I thought the new skinny metal laptops were pretty sweet... also, the touch iPods are cool too, if only for the stupidly impressive ability to pinch-zoom pictures.

In other news, if it isn't freezing... it's snowing. My mood with regards to winter is currently defiant. Yesterday I went for an hour long (-17ish) walk at lunch... I'm sure this will change to defeat soon enough!


Mary said...

Hey Trent,
What happened to the photo blog idea? I have been thinking about the music from _Once_ a lot lately. My main thought has been that I loved it in the movie, but don't like it outside of that context. I have tried to like the Frames, but just can't do it. But I did love the film.

ButterPeanut said...

ufff, an hour at eaton centre is a lot to handle. Way to take action on the whistler.

Trent said...

Mary - the photoblog didn't happen, due to... well - I haven't been taking photos! And mostly I like the one song where the girl is walking home in the dark after buying batteries... I'd have to see how the rest sound outside the context of the movie.

Lisa - yeah, we probably have had our eaton centre fill until around Christmas.