Monday, January 14, 2008

John Maeda moves to RISD

For one reason or another, I have been following the work (and blogs) of John Maeda for the last few years. I even went so far as to order one of his books from the Toronto Public Library some time last year (which I can't say about too many artists/designers). His work falls in the small region where art, programming, computer engineering, teaching and management all overlap. His recent writing on simplicity is both reflective of current trends, and will continue to influence the way organizations both design and manage.

Anyway - I just found out that the guy recently got the job of new RISD president... if there is any way at all to move UP from working at MIT's Media Lab, I guess this would be it. It will be interisting to see what happens next...

Here is a mini-sample of some work... or you can read blogcontent here.

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