Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Late Update

So - I'm a little late at the old weekend update, but here goes...

On Friday night, Leah was playing a show (of the CD release variety) with the Loitering Heroes. It was at the Tranzac, which is a great place for shows, and the first time that I saw them play with new drummer, Nico (I might end up taking drum lessons from him, once the drums are set up in our apartment!) Some new songs too, which are pretty sweet.
Afterwards, we hung out (sushi, Starbucks) with Bradley. Among other things, we talked about how his thesis is freaking him out, and his plans to take the bus out to California to record with Jason Martin (and Leah and I, if we're up for it).
The rest of the weekend pretty much saw me working on lesson-planning and putting together assignments for Humber kids. Seriously, the rest of the weekend, except for Kevin and Jenn's housewarming, and church.
Yesterday I was at Humber, dispensing quizzes, assignments, and my own precious knowledge! Afterwards I went grocery shopping and made dinner, and then went to bed before my migraine headache kicked in too hard.

And today I am back at the office... and listening to the recently (at lunch) purchased R.E.M. live album(s). So far I am actually pleasantly pleased (I was worried, to be honest). I am hoping (against the odds, I fear) for their new album next year to be HUGE...

I am old.

1 comment:

sue said...

i'm old too.


(for some reason i felt like leah when i wrote that, i think that's why i wrote it)