Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Bohemian Dreamian

Last night at Living Room (that's the embarrassing name that my church uses for small groups that meet in people's homes to pray and stuff), Becky told us about a dream that she had some time around January...

In the dream there was this space with big white walls. On the walls were canvasses and paintings, and there were people painting and people playing music and it was a big freaking artist commune type co-op studio gallery deal. It was all about a space for people to share and focus on worshipping God through art and music and community, with space for events, and a place for people to sell their art and music too.

It was extra interesting, because what prompted her to tell about this dream was when I asked people to pray about a couple of places that some of us are looking at renting, pretty much to set up as a shared studio type space. Her dream just pushes what we were planning to a whole new level.

If this sounds interesting to you, and you are in the habit of praying (or even if you aren't!), you could pray that we would be given wisdom and guidance and direction about when/how/where this whole thing could go down...


Anonymous said...

i've been thinking about this too...!!!

AZD said...

David and Cyril have been talking about our little plan and they think it's a great idea. Which is kool cause they be smart.

sue said...

whoa can i come hang out in your space? it sounds really cool.

Trent said...


You would be most welcome (perhaps required, even) to hang out with us...