Monday, January 24, 2011


We got a lot done this weekend, although most of it felt like a struggle.
I managed to get the living room painted (1 coat on Saturday and 1 on Sunday), which is amazing. I was expecting to need 3 coats to cover the dark brown that we had previously used, but 2 looks great.
Also - we stopped in at a travel agent to book a trip to some beach-type resort during Leah's reading week. Turns out that such a trip during such a week costs roughly twice what we expected (oh, that's the price PER PERSON?!)... So if anybody has any clever ideas of places to go on the cheap to get away from the -20C weather, let me know...
Leah did tonnes of reading and writing while I painted.
Also, Starving Artist on Sunday was delicious, although frustratingly busy. We were poised to jump the larger groups waiting in line ahead of us, when a party of four decided to split into 2 parties of 2 and took up all the small tables... There was almost a waffle riot...


Mabel & Petrie said...

You failed to mention that we accidentally attended an hour and a half long baptism cerimony, and bailed out at Menchie's. But I don't blame you. (This is not the cats, btw).

sue said...

"accidentally" - ?

ButterPeanut said...

What color did you paint the LR?