Monday, April 12, 2010


Friday night was the Your Heart album release show. I was pretty tired from a long week, but it was fun. Special thanks to the Billie Hollies and to Elissa & Joseph for opening.

Saturday was weird, 'cause late nights throw me off completely. In the morning we went to the library and to get some stuff from an art supply store. I also bought a used copy of the Athens, GA: Inside/Out soundtrack at Zoinks.
That night we went to see the dress rehearsal of This is What Happens Next, 'cause Kate has hookups like that.

On Sunday, I went to an elders' meeting while Leah went to play bass at St John's. Afterwards I worked on taxes while she worked on finishing her final paper of the year...

That is all.

1 comment:

ButterPeanut said...

"Elder Trent"'ve been an elder forever but that still makes me smile.