Monday, April 20, 2009



Friday night I went to A&E&J&A's house - Andrew was hosting a party to give away/swap some of his old unwanted records. It was a fairly low key affair - but pretty fun.

Saturday morning had peoples' fists in my mouth. Turns out I had a cavity in one of my molars, so that was a good time.

Also, it was record store day! Leah and I went down to (a rammed) Queen street, to stop by Criminal Records. It was crazy! The only time I have seen that many people in there was for the Julie Doiron in-store show. Leah bought a Cat Steven's record, and ended up winning a grand prize, which turned out to be mostly a massive amount of City and Colour swag!!! If anybody is a big fan, we have autographed CDs, DVDs, t-shirts, a bag..(!?) (Leah loves the song Coming Home, so she was pretty excited.)

I bought the Dan Auerbach record (which came with a CD copy). If you like the Black Keys, then you will probably like this too...

On Sunday - Leah did some laundry... and I went to the Dufferin Mall to drop off some film at Blacks. How old-school is that??!


The end.


Me said...


I noticed you left off the mad amounts of Tori Amos records you bought. You've been wanting Little Earthquakes for so long I thought for sure you would have mentioned your sweet purchase on here.


Your Wife

Reeve said...

I have you beat on the cavities... I went to the dentist 2 weeks ago and had to get seven fillings. I then acquired an epic headache for the following week every time I ate. I wanted to punch the dentist in the nads.

sue said...


I love little earthquakes, I had a tape of it that I listened to in the car.