Monday, June 16, 2008


I'm not sure what happened this weekend.

Leah worked a lot... for Evergreen on Saturday, and then playing at two churches on Sunday.
I did groceries on Friday, house-cleaning on Saturday, and laundry on Sunday.

Somewhere in between, I also walked to The Common for coffee, and on the way stopped at a yard sale, where I purchased a copy of Wyclef's The Carnival.

In my last year at Georgia Tech, I discovered the Music Listening Room. Since I was living on the opposite side of campus from all of my classes (and most of my friends), I would often hang out in the listening room if I had an hour between lectures. I'm not sure who ran the place (WREK geeks?, and by geeks I mean music nerds who were 1000% cooler than pretty much all the Tech geeks), or why I didn't know about it sooner. Anyway - one of the albums that I steady rocked in the MLR was the Carnival... (another one, btw, was Guru's first Jazzmatazz record.)

On Saturday, we were walking around and ran into Katherine, which was cool.

And on Sunday, we hung out with Joel and Anne after church, which was also cool.

The End.


ButterPeanut said...

i've grown to love trent updates (trupdates) so much ...i feel like you should have a podcast.

ps. my word identification spelled "wzupz". Wazzup, Z?

sue said...

a podcast would be amazing!!! we'd get to hear the trupdate (I favour trepdate slightly over the trup) in the trent voice, which is how i hear it in my head, but i could hear it for real that way.