Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Seems I missed the Weekend Update yesterday... must have been due to the 10.5 hours I worked (5 hours of meetings...) Can't complain, since I have to make up the time I spend teaching each week - so that puts me in a pretty good position for the rest of the week.

Speaking of... teaching was pretty fun today. Students did informal presentations, and then the whole class had a chance to critique each project. It is great practice at learning to think critically, and pretty darn quickly too.

This evening is church. Good times.

Oh yeah, the weekend.

Saturday - we had an actual meeting involving all members of the 324 studio. This involved a million pancakes, and lots of talk about insurance, signs, etc. Along those lines, if you know of anybody who would like to share cheap studio space with a bunch of Christian artists - please holler back.

Sunday involved a crazy drive to church. We were on setup/teardown, which is usually pretty fun, actually. Also, I played a few notes on the old melodica (Q: 'what is that thing?!' A:'it's called a melodica; you blow in here and play notes'... REPEAT) during a couple of songs... the highlight being the end of the service when Leah played a Suf-jam. It worked so well within the context of the service, and it sounded sweet with everybody singing.

The end.


sue said...

the suf-jam was AMAZING! i loved it.

Anonymous said...

Wasabi Trent... long time no write... old friend from GT. - DaNiMaL

AZD said...

You make THE BEST pancakes.