Monday, June 22, 2009


The Weekend...

Friday night... we went out to the (far) east end to feed Dorothy the Cat.

On Saturday we had an elders meeting for church. Since we were in the (far) north end of the city, I went to Ikea afterwards to buy some picture frames. Ikea is insane... and not in a good way. I did enjoy a 50c hotdog though. Leah went to feed the cat.

Afterwards, I hung out with Brad, and we walked the length of the slightly soggy Big on Bloor festival. It was (as always) the strangest possible mix of vendors, with a fairly high toronto diy hipster art school kid representation. My favorite was a stall of journals made from old recycled hardcover books.

That night we went to a low key birthday gathering at the huang/bowser/cumby house. Even though it was Anne's birthday, baby Calla sort of stole the show. I guess it was her one week birthday too.

On Sunday I went east one last time to feed Dorothy. I also played guitar with Leah at church, which meant hauling gear around in cabs. Afterwards, we went to D&J's, to hang out with them and their couch-surfing house guests. We were also hoping to catch the Gertrudes at the Rivoli, but due to some unforeseen factors (like realising mid-cabride that we had left a bag of our stuff, including house keys, at church) by the time we had eaten, the band would have been half-way through their set.

Also, it is summer here now. =)


ButterPeanut said...

oh man, I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys in a few weeks!

mamakat said...

i like how you had to add the "far" to north for your description of our place... ha!

Trent said...

@Lisa - YES!
@mamakat - it's all relative!