Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Moonlight Shadow

Moonlight Shadow

For the last week I have been taking transit to work. The back tire on my bike needs a new tube, and I haven't had a chance to replace it. Also, the weather has gotten colder, so my motivation to get the thing fixed is waning.

As I was rushing out of the house this morning, I stopped to grab a book from the bookshelf. I didn't have anything in mind, and ended up with Banana Yoshimoto's Kitchen. This book is on my list of titles that I have read, and will read, over and over again.

I started with the short novella in the back, Moonlight Shadow, and I finished it at lunchtime. This story makes me want to make films. Actually, not films in general - it makes me want to remake this story in film. Yoshimoto translates feeling into hues and images, and translates those into written words. I can only imagine that reading her stories in the original Kanji is even more magical.

1 comment:

Me said...

Dude, lets make a film. Or at least a cd based on that story. You know it's my favourite book. The film might have to be super 8...