Monday, July 07, 2008


On Friday I went out to Orangeville for work, to visit a doctors' clinic.
When I got back, I headed straight to Evergreen for the Summer Team Fundraiser. Leah played some songs with Rachel and Mike (from church). Some other people played some other songs, and one guy read a story. Evergreen was unable to get as much government funding as they have in the past, so the summer team volunteers are kind of on their own in terms of raising support.

Speaking of which, it was interesting to learn from Leah that Yonge Street Mission relies on corporate and private funding more than the government. Otherwise one election can end in all of your programs being suspended...

It was also interesting to listen to This American Life last week - with a story about two guys that decided to live on the streets in NYC. They said that nobody needs to go hungry, and that it is the churches that keep people fed. The government run places are apparently stingy, and their food sucks too..!

On Saturday, Leah went to the recording studio (Andrew's house). I stayed home and got sun-burned planting flowers in front of the house. I hope they can thrive on gravel and bus fumes.

On Sunday I did the laundry. I also bought a knitted bag at a one-woman yardsale.
She was ten, and was selling bags that she had made, lemonade, and barbies!

On the way back from the grocery store I saw baby chameleons in the window of the weird-reptiles store. They were maybe 2 inches long!

I played drums at church. I haven't played in months, so it was... interesting.


ButterPeanut said...

it's kind of funny, the things you choose to use exclamation marks on...

i imagine you saying this all in super-calm Trent voice, and then getting really excited abuot (1) lemonade & barbies, and (2) baby reptiles. hee!

sue said...

Hahaha LtK.

I am excited for your knitted bag.

PS I will be in Toronto Aug 14-19.
