Monday, June 02, 2008


So, what happened apart from bboy movies and shoe buying?

Not much, including a birthday party for my employer's 50th birthday. It was not dissimilar to the client version of the office Christmas party... (catering, drinking, schmoozing, drinking, me leaving before things get too out of control)...

Usually I feel like I would be more comfortable eating in the back with the catering staff than Great Gatsbying it up with drink in hand. Even when I am having a good time, I still feel sort of out of place. The highlight of the evening was probably a story from one of the deluxe film people... It ended up with him in Willie Nelson's trailer, nervously watching a behind-the-music type WN documentary, smoking a joint the size of a cigar.

Leah went to London on Sunday, for a baby shower. I picked up the ridiculously ticketmaster-inflated R.E.M. tickets that I bought last week (I had to sneak around the instore WWF-or-whatever-its-called-now autograph signing table, and oversized autograph signer). And I also bought some pants, as well as the aforementioned shoes.

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