Monday, April 21, 2008


Friday night we went to see Second Sight, at hotdocs. It was pretty cool, especially if you like awesome old people, or Scotland, or just oldness in general. You can check out the trailer here, and read about it here, if you want to...

On Saturday we went up to St Clair to get some cat food and other stuff. When we got back we attacked the front deck, which has been full of our landlords stuff pretty much since we moved in. He finally told us we could get rid of the old metal screen doors that he had been saving with the hopes of making a couple of bucks...

Brad and Jeremy came over for dinner.

On Sunday we did laundry... and then in the afternoon, I cleaned my bike. I still need to fix the brakes, but don't have the right set of wrenches... If you or somebody you know wants to buy a pretty sweet low-rider bike for a pretty good price, let me know...

After church we watched Marion Bridge. It is a Canadian movie, so it pretty much had to involve some pretty messed up stuff (I think it is a requirement to get grants or something). But overall, I thought it was pretty excellent, and unusually redemptive for CanCon... (I would rate it as even better than Nickelback)

1 comment:

the color j said...

i like oldness, i think ill check out that trailer for the movie.