Tuesday, October 02, 2007


It is rainy and grey, so I rode the rocket in to work, rather than my bike. I was listening to Endtroducing, and that, together with the grey, made me want to keep walking, past the office, and down to the Gardiner and the train tracks. Somehow the trash and graffiti and concrete of the 'terrain vague' can be more comforting than the office.

Last night we went to see Douglas Coupland read from his new book. It was the first time I have ever been to a reading, and it was pretty neat. I will say that I preferred the times when he was just talking about stuff, in between chunks of the Gum Thief (which I haven't read, but probably will once the winter forces me onto the subway every day). Afterwards people lined up for him to sign their copies of his books.

I also went to Humber and taught a class on Flooring. It was very exciting, and afterwards people lined up and I signed copies of their Interior Detailing textbooks.

On Sunday, I was going to play drums at church. After setting up the whole kit, I discovered that the kick pedal was missing - turns out it was left out last week and the folks at St Andrew's locked it up for us. So I didn't play drums.

On Saturday I spent the day putting together Powerpoint slides for my lecture on Flooring. That evening, one of Leah's friends from highschool came over to visit. After dinner in Koreatown, we strolled around the Nuit Blanche festivities. This mostly meant walking through frustratingly dense crowds, and seeing almost nothing of the exhibits. Basically we went for a long walk. It was good.

On Friday, Leah went to the Rivoli to sing backup for everybody's favourite country duo. I went to a long church meeting at the pastors' house.

1 comment:

ButterPeanut said...

wow, a class on flooring, huh? what an exciting life you do lead. Just kidding, your life is ridiculously fun to read about, and as usual, wish I was there, and all that.