Thursday, August 02, 2007


So we moved yesterday. We picked up the van at 7:30am, and I dropped it off around 11:30 last night. We moved all of our stuff, and a lot of Jessica's, and somehow in there ended up moving about 4 couches... 2 of which were sleeper couches (=heavy) and pretty much all of which had to fit through ridiculously small doorways.
I don't know if we will ever get our new couch out of our apartment if we ever move again (which we're not ever doing, by the way!) - highlights included dropping off the gross 'free' couch that we decided we didn't want at Value Village (it was so easy...) and also scoring an actually nice couch for $40 after randomly spotting it in someone's driveway.

We 'slept' for about 4-5 hours on the living room floor, between the desk and the couch... and for some reason, at about 3am, the cats decided to go freaking mental. Petrie was racing back and forth from the bedroom, through the living room, and into the kitchen, the full length of the house (the typical long skinny Toronto floorplan is a new thing for him, I guess). This of course means that he was racing back and forth across our heads! Eventually I got up and locked them both in the bathroom. They are seriously mental.

This morning I got up and scavenged the chaos of boxes for food, clothing etc. and then rode my bike in to work. I called up Bell, and they are sending a technician by our house sometime today. Maybe I should phone Leah and let her know... oh wait, I can't, the phone doesn't work.

[update] 537 7469... or 416 53-SPINY... or 416 LESS?-HOW?..

1 comment:

sue said...

congratulations on the move!!!!!

the cats of course are freaked out. it's funny to watch them when they're like that (is that sadistic?).